iKnow Medicinal Plants 2 LITE
Discover nature’s medicine cabinet, all in thepalm of your hand!Our ancestors described the multiple effects of medicinalplants, and many of their findings were confirmed by modernscience.NATURE MOBILE introduces - Medicinal Plants 2 PRO - an idealguide to most common species of medicinal plants. Finally you havethe direct option to identify different species without a book. Youget a comprehensive library full of facts, figures, and images.Find out about the healing power of different species and theirapplication area. Be inspired and experience nature in a whole newway.LITE version includes 15 species only!CONTENT* 150 species - 1500 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 6 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPLICATION AREA- airway, skin, nervous system, metabolism, digestion, etc.* EFFECT- blood cleansing, reducing fever, antipyretic, wound-healing,etc.* SYMPTOMS / ILLNESS- high blood pressure, limb pain, headache, cancer, etc.* CULTIVATION / DISTRIBUTION- blossoming period, location, cultivation, life expectancy* APPEARANCE / AROMA- flower, leaf, growth, trunk type, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Wild Berries and Herbs 2 LITE
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to WILD BERRIES,FRUITS AND HERBS OF EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA, all in the palm ofyour hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without the helpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full of facts,figures, and images. Learn where you can find certain species,learn if they are edible and how to prepare and cook them.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.LITE version includes 15 species only!CONTENT* 180 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 12 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- fruit, flower, leaf, tree, shrub, etc.* EDIBLE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* CATEGORY/TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* TIME- flowering, ripening, harvesting, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Pilze sammeln & bestimmen LITE
Das Standardwerk für Pilzsammler undGenießer!Wir präsentieren Ihnen die wichtigsten essbaren Arten mit ihrengefährlichen Doppelgängern und geben einen Überblick überklassische Speisen, die sich daraus zubereiten lassen. Mit dieserApp wird Ihnen jeder Pilzausflug einen kulinarischen Genussbescheren.Denn endlich hat man die Möglichkeit, die Arten direkt unterwegsauch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassendeInformationen aus einer Bibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildernzu erhalten. Anfänger lernen Pilze anhand äußerer und innererMerkmale zu bestimmen, wie z.B. Hutform oder Geruch.Fortgeschrittene profitieren von der umfangreichen Beschreibung undmessen Ihr Wissen in der Online Pilzberatung.Der Rezeptführer macht Ihnen klassische Zubereitungsvorschläge.Haben Sie beispielsweise nur Morcheln gefunden, können Sie nachRezepten mit Morcheln suchen. Für überraschende Riesenernten zeigenwir auch Möglichkeiten Pilze haltbar zu machen, so dass Sie langeZeit von Ihrer Ernte profitieren.Wir wünschen viel Erfolg beim Sammeln und einen gutenAppetit!In der LITE Version ist die Anzahl der Arten und Rezepte auf 10limitiert! Sie dient dazu die Funktionalität der PRO Versionkostenfrei zu demonstrieren.INHALT* 100 Pilze - 450 Bilder* 100 klassische Rezepte und Zubereitungsvorschläge* Anschauliche Einführung in die Pilzkunde* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Pilzbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VON* ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, Essbar, Allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* FAMILIE UND ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnen beider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus ein undbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Pilzarten voneinander zuunterscheidenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen aus derNatur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.The standard work formushroom pickers and gourmets!We present the most important edible species with their dangerousdoppelgangers and provide an overview of classic dishes that can beprepared therefrom. This app will make for an culinary pleasureeach mushroom trip.Because finally you have the possibility to determine the typesdirectly go without book and at the same time to get acomprehensive library full of facts, figures and images. Beginnerslearn fungi based external and internal features to determine, suchas Hat shape or smell. Advanced benefit from the extensivedescription and measure your knowledge in the online Mushroomadvice.The Recipe Guide makes you classic preparation suggestions. Forexample, if only found morels, you can search for recipes morels.For surprising giant harvests we also show to make opportunitiesmushrooms preserved, so you will benefit long time of yourharvest.We wish you success in collecting and a good appetite!In the LITE version, the number of types and recipes is limited to10! It serves free to demonstrate the functionality of the PROversion.CONTENT* 100 Mushrooms - 450 pictures* 100 classic recipes and cooking suggestions* Descriptive introduction to mycology* Extensive description of the types* Species names in German and Latin* Scientific mushroom determination* Online fungal counseling* Quiz - Match IDENTIFY SPECIES OF* edibility- Toxic, edible, allergens, etc.* APPEARANCE- Hat, slats, pores, stem, etc.* DEPOSITS- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, pungent, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* FAMILY AND ORDER- Agaricales, cantharellales, etc.ONLINE CONSULTATION MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and App Users from around the world can help youdetermine fungus. Submit photo from your fungal fundus and get inbrief outline proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different fungal species from eachotherNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring to present exciting topics from natureand other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way closer. Youare an author or photographer, they have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
Wild Berries and Herbs 2 PRO
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to WILD BERRIES,FRUITS AND HERBS OF EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA, all in the palm ofyour hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Learn where you can find certainspecies, learn if they are edible and how to prepare and cookthem.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.CONTENT* 180 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 12 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- fruit, flower, leaf, tree, shrub, etc.* EDIBLE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* CATEGORY/TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* TIME- flowering, ripening, harvesting, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
NABU Vogelführer 1.9.6
Mit dem NABU-Vogelführer ist dasVogelbestimmen jetzt überall einfach! [Bitte Hinweise zumautomatischen Update am Ende der Beschreibung beachten]Der Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. (NABU) stellt dieApplikation kostenlos zur Verfügung und dankt dem Kosmos-Verlag fürdie Bereitstellung von Texten und Bildern.Wie oft passiert es, dass man in der Natur unterwegs ist undwieder eine Vogelart entdeckt, über die man mehr wissen möchte.Doch im Rucksack ist neben Proviant und einer Regenjacke keinVogelführer zu finden. Dieser steht noch zu Hause im Regal.Jetzt gibt es eine neue Möglichkeit, Vögel direkt auf demAusflug auch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassendeInformationen über den Vogel zu erhalten. Für Besitzer einesAndroid Telefons gibt es den Online-Vogelführer vom NABU nun auchals mobile Anwendung.So einfach geht es: Sie geben die Merkmale des gesuchten Vogelsein und schon werden verschiedene Vorschläge gemacht. Je mehrMerkmale wie Lebensraum, Schnabel, Beine, Größe oder Gefiederangegeben werden, desto kürzer wird die Ergebnisliste der in Fragekommenden Vögel.Der NABU-Vogelführer führt sämtliche in Deutschland heimischenVogelarten auf. Auf den mehr als 200 Steckbriefen sind weitereInformationen auf den Internetseiten des NABU verlinkt.Nach der Installation der Anwendung können Sie automatischeUpdates für diese Anwendung auf der Marketplace-Seite erlauben.Damit geben Sie uns die Möglichkeit neue Features undFehlerkorrekturen zeitnah zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir würden unsfreuen wenn Sie diese Option nutzen.With the NABU Bird GuideBird determining is now everywhere! [Please hints to the automaticupdate at the end of the description note]The Naturschutzbund Germany e.V. (NABU), the application forfree and thanks the Kosmos-Verlag for the provision of texts andimages.How often it happens that you are traveling in nature andrediscovered a species about which one would like to know more. Butthe backpack is next to food and a rain jacket to find no birdguide. This is still at home on the shelf.Now there is a new way to determine birds directly on theexcursion without book and at the same time to obtain comprehensiveinformation about the bird. For owners of an Android phone thereare the online bird guide from NABU now as a mobileapplication.It's so easy: Enter the features of this bird, and alreadyvarious proposals are made. are given, the more features such ashabitat, beak, legs, size or plumage, the shorter the resultinglist of eligible birds.The NABU bird book lists all resident in Germany birds. In themore than 200 wanted posters further information on the websites ofNABU are linked.After installing the application, you can enable automaticupdates for this application on the Marketplace page. In order toenable us to new features and bug fixes to make timely manner. Wewould be pleased if you use this option.
Birds PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is available for download. Please searchfor iKnow Birds 2 PRODo you know birds?Birds PRO - NATURE MOBILE - is a stylish and easy-to-useIDENTIFICATION GUIDE with an integrated PICTURE and SOUND QUIZGAME. Read fascinating information and learn facts about 230 commonEuropean bird species; browse more than 1500 PROFESSIONAL PICTURESof birds; listen to more than 460 spectacular CALLS AND SONGS; findyour favorite bird!The app is AVAILABLE in ENGLISH, too. Simply select English onfirst startup or click on INFO and select your language.If you tried the FREE version first, you can uninstall the freeversion without loosing any pictures in the full version.Unfortunately it is not possible to uninstall the free versionautomatically.IDENTIFY BIRDS BY* Appearance- size, feathering, beak type, etc.* Geographic Range and Habitat- cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.GUESS THE SPECIES QUIZ GAME* Guess species by pictures* Guess species by calls and songs* Learn to distinguish the different breeds* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, follow uson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visit ourwebsite FEATURES* 230 common European bird species* 1500 pictures of renowned photographers- male, female, young, nest and eggs* 468 recordings of calls and songsUSER HINTS* Change language in settings* Select favorite species* Upload your own pictures* No Internet access requiredPlease note that you need enough storage to run the app. Becauseof the high-resolution images and sounds, about 150MB space on theSD card or the internal storage are necessary. Some tablets andphones do not have an SD card, but still enough available storage.The app should run without any problems on these devices as well.If you experience any problems with the data download, let us know.We either fix it fast, or refund you the price of the app.SUBMIT YOUR BIRD PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures to be a in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures. Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture is highly appreciated!High-quality pictures may be considered for future updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. If you arean author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at Wewill work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts in thenatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Dogs PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Trees PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
Pilze sammeln & bestimmen PRO
Das Standardwerk für Pilzsammler und Genießer!Wir präsentieren Ihnen die wichtigsten essbaren Arten mit ihrengefährlichen Doppelgängern und geben einen Überblick überklassische Speisen, die sich daraus zubereiten lassen. Mit dieserApp wird Ihnen jeder Pilzausflug einen kulinarischen Genussbescheren.Denn endlich hat man die Möglichkeit, die Arten direkt unterwegsauch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassendeInformationen aus einer Bibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildernzu erhalten. Anfänger lernen Pilze anhand äußerer und innererMerkmale zu bestimmen, wie z.B. Hutform oder Geruch.Fortgeschrittene profitieren von der umfangreichen Beschreibung undmessen Ihr Wissen in der Online Pilzberatung.Der Rezeptführer macht Ihnen klassische Zubereitungsvorschläge.Haben Sie beispielsweise nur Morcheln gefunden, können Sie nachRezepten mit Morcheln suchen. Für überraschende Riesenernten zeigenwir auch Möglichkeiten Pilze haltbar zu machen, so dass Sie langeZeit von Ihrer Ernte profitieren.Wir wünschen viel Erfolg beim Sammeln und einen gutenAppetit!INHALT* 100 Pilze - 450 Bilder* 100 klassische Rezepte und Zubereitungsvorschläge* Anschauliche Einführung in die Pilzkunde* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Pilzbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VON* ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, Essbar, Allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* FAMILIE UND ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnen beider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus ein undbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Pilzarten voneinander zuunterscheidenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen ausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.Themen: NATURE MOBILE, fungi, funghi, suchen, lexikon, atlas,mykologie, pilzsucheThestandard work for mushroom collectors and connoisseurs!We present the most important edible species with theirdangerous doppelgangers and give an overview of classic dishes thatcan be prepared from it. With this app will bring a culinarydelight each mushroom trip.Because finally there is the possibility to determine the typesdirectly go even without a book and at the same time get acomprehensive library full of facts, figures and images. Beginnerslearn fungi based on external and internal characteristics todetermine, such as Hat shape or smell. Advanced benefit from theextensive description and measure your knowledge in the onlinemushroom advice.The Recipe Guide makes you classic preparation suggestions. Forexample if you only found morels, you can search for recipes withmorels. For surprising giant harvests We also show ways to makemushrooms durable, so you will benefit long time of yourharvest.We wish you success in collecting and a good appetite!CONTENTS* 100 Mushrooms - 450 images* 100 classic recipes and preparation suggestions* Descriptive Introduction to Mycology* Extensive description of the types* Species names in German and Latin* Scientific Mushroom determination* Online fungal advice* Quiz - Game IDENTIFY SPECIES OF* Edibility- Toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* Look like- Hat, lamellae, pores, stem, etc.* OCCURRENCE- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, tart, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* FAMILY AND ORDER- Mushroom-like, chanterelle-like, etc.ONLINE CONSULTANCY MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and app users from around the world will helpyou determine the fungus. Submit a photo of your fungal fundus andget you in the near future initial proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different fungal species from eachotherNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to present exciting topicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive waycloser. You are an author or photographer, you have fascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.Theme: NATURE MOBILE, fungi, funghi, search, encyclopedia, atlasmycology, mushroom seeking
iKnow Mushrooms 2 PRO
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to MUSHROOMS, all in the palm of yourhand!They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millions ofthem are hiding in the protective thicket and many withstand aneager collector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure in manykitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replace theinitial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually? Is itedible, perhaps toxic, even hallucinogenic?Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Learn where to find mushrooms, look upif they are edible. Find inspiration and experience nature in awhole new way.CONTENT* 300 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 11 languages* Scientific identification* Online Mushroom Consultation* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE AND SCENT- size, color, hat, gills, stem, etc.* EDIBILITY AND TASTE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* FRUIT BODY TYPE- belly mushrooms, gilled mushrooms, truffle, etc.* HABITAT- deciduous or coniferous forest floor, etc.* FAMILY- Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, Clathraceae, etc.* MEDICINAL BENEFIT AND POISON- antibiotic, Psilocybin, Muscarin, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILETopics: mushroom hunting, collect, fungi, grow, funghi,collecting, growing, identification, vegetables, trees, plants,recipes, vegetarian, vegan, cooking, collecting
Pilzlexikon 2 PRO
Das Nachschlagewerk für Experten und Mykologen - Dähncke‘srenommiertes Pilzlexikon jetzt exklusiv als App in derüberarbeiteten Ausgabe.INFO: Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene steht der „Pilzführer 2PRO“ sowie „Pilze sammeln & bestimmen PRO“ von NATURE MOBILE imPlay-Store zur Verfügung.Rose Marie Dähncke arbeitete viele Jahre an der SchwarzwälderPilzschau und bildete dort über 500 Pilzberater aus. Das Wissen ausacht Jahrzehnten Pilzarbeit hat sie bisher in zahlreichen Büchernund exklusiv in dieser App veröffentlicht. Gemeinsam mitzahlreichen Experten hat Sie das renommierte Pilzlexikonzusammengestellt.Mit dem Pilzlexikon 2 PRO bekommt man ein umfangreichesBestimmungs- und Nachschlagewerk für Pilze. Endlich hat man dieMöglichkeit, die Arten direkt unterwegs auch ohne Buch zu bestimmenund gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen aus einer Bibliothekvoller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten. Experten profitierenvon der großen Sammlung und Kategorisierung.INHALT* 1615 Arten und 190 Unterarten* 3300 Bilder und Beschreibungen* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Artenbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM*** ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, essbar, allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* ABTEILUNG, FAMILIE, ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.** Die Bestimmungsfilter und Merkmalkataloge befinden sich imAufbau und werden stetig erweitert. Bitte unterstützen Sie unsdabei. Eine Garantie auf Vollständigkeit wird nicht gegeben.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnen beider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus ein undbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Baumarten voneinander zuunterscheidenKEINE INTERNETVERBINDUNG ERFORDERLICHBenutzen Sie die App unterwegs beim Sammeln, auch dort wo keinInternet verfügbar ist. Alle Bilder und Beschreibungen zu den Artensind offline verfügbar.NATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen ausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.Thereference book for experts and mycologists - mushroom Dähncke'srenowned Lexicon now exclusively available as an app in the revisededition.INFO: For beginners and advanced the "mushroom guide 2 PRO" andis "mushrooming & determine PRO" by NATURE MOBILE in PlayStore.Rose Marie Dähncke worked for many years at the Black Forestmushroom show and trained there over 500 fungi expert. Theknowledge gained from eight decades fungus work has been publishedin numerous books and exclusively in this app. Together withnumerous experts has compiled the renowned mushroom lexicon. With the fungus lexicon 2 PRO you get a comprehensive referencetool for determining and fungi. Finally, one has the possibility todetermine the species directly on the go even without a book and atthe same time to obtain comprehensive information from a libraryfull of facts, figures and images. Experts benefit from the largecollection and categorization.CONTENTS* 1615 species and 190 subspecies* 3300 pictures and descriptions* Species Names in German and Latin* Scientific species identification* Online fungal advice* Quiz - Game DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY *** Edibility- Toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* Look like- Hat, lamellae, pores, stem, etc.* OCCURRENCE- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, tart, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* DEPARTMENT, FAMILY, ORDER- Agaricales, Cantharellales, etc.** The determination filter and catalogs feature is underconstruction and will be constantly expanded. Please support us inthis. A guarantee of completeness is not given.ONLINE CONSULTANCY MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and app users from around the world to helpyou with the fungus determination. Submit a photo of your fungalfundus and get you soon first proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different species from each otherNO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIREDUse the app on the go while collecting, even where no internetis available. All images and descriptions of the types areavailable offline.NATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring himself to present exciting topicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive waycloser. You are an author or photographer, you have fascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
The version 2.0 of the app is available fordownload. Please search for iKnow Mushrooms 2 PRO.THE ULTIMATE FIELD GUIDE FOR MUSHROOMS AND MUSHROOM HUNTING!+++ 300 species - 2000 images - identification function - quiz+++They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millions of themare hiding in the protective thicket and many withstand an eagercollector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure in manykitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replace theinitial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually? Is itedible, perhaps toxic, even hallucinogenic? A mushroomidentification manual would be useful now - but who likes to crawlthrough the undergrowth with a bulky book?!NATURE MOBILE has developed an app for all smartphone users thathelps with identifying and collecting mushrooms - Mushrooms PRO.With more than *300* species and over *2000* high-resolution imagesit doesn't have to hide in the thicket. For each mushroom there isa comprehensive description and a selection of images of differentperspectives and life tilt. Not only occasional collectors willhave their fun with the app - mycologists will enjoy it, too, asthe content of the app has been compiled by Dr. GERHARDT, author ofmany mushroom books and scientific publications about mycology. Dr.GERHARDT has been a long term employee and consultant of Mycologyat the Botanical Gardens and in the Botanical Museum ofBerlin.SO HOW CAN A MUSHROOM BE IDENTIFIED?You can choose from a variety of visual and other characteristicfeatures and thus reduce the list of eligible mushroomspecies.YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER!* Learning* with a picture quiz. Polyporus Brumalis, EchinodermaAsperum or rather Armillaria Ostoyae? In case you don't know theright answer to a question, you still have 2 more mushroom lives togo. You can post your score in the high score board powered byOpenFeint or via Facebook.NEW - The Online Mushroom ConsultationHobby mycologists from around the world will help you determine themushroom species. Submit photos of your mushroom discovery and getthe first suggestions in short order.BUT... THERE'S NO INTERNET CONNECTION IN THE WOODS!No worries, you only require connectivity for the initialinstallation and for installing updates so you can always use newfeatures.LANGUAGESThe complete app is available in German, English, French andSpanish. Species names are available in many other languages.SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE AND ODOR- size, color, cap, gills, stem, etc.* EDIBILITY AND TASTE- toxic, edible, allergic, etc.* FRUITING BODY TYPE- Gasteromycetes, Polyporous, Truffles, etc.* DISTRIBUTION- deciduous forest floor, pine wood floor, etc.* FAMILY- Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, Clathraceae, etc.* MEDICINAL EFFECTS and TOXINS- antibiotic, psilocybin, muscarine, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess species by their images* Deepen your knowledge and learn playfully to distinguish thespecies from each otherNatureMobile on Facebook: ( orfollow us on Twitter: Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile( NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE has the vision of bringing exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a vivid and attractive way. If you arean author or photographer or have interesting ideas or content,please don't hesitate to contact us
iKnow Trees 2 LITE
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to TREES OF EUROPEand NORTH AMERICA, all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without the helpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full of facts,figures, and images. Learn where you can find certain species, howtheir leaves, flowers, and fruits look like and taste.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.LITE version includes 15 species only!CONTENT* 200 tree species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Tree names in 7 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, leaf, flower, color, growth, etc.* FRUIT TYPE- Berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* HABITAT- North America, Europe, Asia, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from images* Learn to distinguish different speciesQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
iKnow Trees 2 PRO
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to TREES OF EUROPEand NORTH AMERICA, all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without the helpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full of facts,figures, and images. Learn where you can find certain species, howtheir leaves, flowers, and fruits look like and taste.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.CONTENT* 200 tree species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Tree names in 7 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, leaf, flower, color, growth, etc.* FRUIT TYPE- Berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* HABITAT- North America, Europe, Asia, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from images* Learn to distinguish different speciesQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
iKnow Birds 2 PRO - Europe
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OF EUROPE,all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfacts about birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular calls and songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole new way.CONTENT* 300 bird species - 2000 images - 550 calls and songs* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Guess species from calls and songsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 PRO
Du bist in der Natur unterwegs und entdeckstSpuren von Tieren? Du möchtest die Spuren lesen und erfahren werdiese hinterlassen hat?Mit "Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 PRO" lernt man Spuren und Fährtenzu erkennen und bekommt ein ideales Bestimmungs- undNachschlagewerk für die geläufigsten Säugetiere immitteleuropäischen Raum und den Alpen. Endlich hat man dieMöglichkeit, die Spuren direkt auf dem Ausflug auch ohne Buch zubestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen aus einerBibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten. Lerne dieSpuren zu lesen, erfahre alles Wissenswerte über die Tierarten,erlebe die Natur auf eine ganz neue Weise.INHALT* 74 Arten - 800 Bilder* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Spuren und Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Englisch* Wissenschaftliche Spuren- und Artenbestimmung* Quiz - SpielSPUREN UND FÄHRTEN LESEN ANHAND VOM* FUSSTYP- Paarhufer, Unpaarhufer, Zehenballen, etc.* FUSSABDRUCK- Zehen-, Zehenspitz-, Sohlengänger, etc.* LOSUNG- Krümelig, pillenförmig, wurstförmig, etc.* NEST UND BAU- Erdbau, Burg aus Zweigen, Baumhöhle, etc.* STIMME- Piepsen, Zwitschern, Trillern, Quieken, etc.* AM BAUMSTAMM DURCH- Geweih, Zähne, Krallen, Körper, etc.BESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM* AUSSEHEN- Größe, Geweih und Hörner, etc.* LEBENSGEBIET- Lebensraum, Verbreitung, Standort Nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Spuren und Tiere kennenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen ausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.You are in the nature ofthe road and discover traces of animals? You want to read thetracks and find out who left this?With "Wild animals and tracks 2 PRO" you learn to recognizetracks and tracks and get an ideal destination and reference guidefor the most common mammals in central Europe and the Alps.Finally, one has the possibility to determine the traces directlyon the excursion without book and at the same time to obtaincomprehensive information from a library full of facts, figures andimages. Learn to read the tracks, learn all about the animals, thenature experience to a whole new way. CONTENTS* 74 species - 800 images* Extensive description of the tracks and types* Species names in German and English* Researchers trace and species identification* Quiz - GamePrints and droppings READ THE BASIS OF* FOOT TYPE- Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, toe pads, etc.* FOOTPRINT- Toe, toes pointed, plantigrade, etc.* SOLUTION- Crumbly, pill-shaped, sausage-shaped, etc.* NEST AND CONSTRUCTION- Earthwork, castle made of branches, tree hole, etc.* VOICE- Beeping, chirping, trills, squeaks, etc.* AM TRUNK BY- Antlers, teeth, claws, body, etc.DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, antlers and horns, etc.* LIVING AREA- Habitat, distribution, location, nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn the different tracks and AnimalsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to present exciting topicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive waycloser. You are an author or photographer, you have fascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
iKnow Medicinal Plants 2 PRO
Discover nature’s medicine cabinet, all in thepalm of your hand!Our ancestors described the multiple effects of medicinal plants,and many of their findings were confirmed by modern science.NATURE MOBILE introduces - Medicinal Plants 2 PRO - an ideal guideto most common species of medicinal plants. Finally you have thedirect option to identify different species without a book. You geta comprehensive library full of facts, figures, and images. Findout about the healing power of different species and theirapplication area. Be inspired and experience nature in a whole newway.CONTENT* 150 species - 1500 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 6 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPLICATION AREA- airway, skin, nervous system, metabolism, digestion, etc.* EFFECT- blood cleansing, reducing fever, antipyretic, wound-healing,etc.* SYMPTOMS / ILLNESS- high blood pressure, limb pain, headache, cancer, etc.* CULTIVATION / DISTRIBUTION- blossoming period, location, cultivation, life expectancy* APPEARANCE / AROMA- flower, leaf, growth, trunk type, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Dogs PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is available fordownload. Please search for iKnow Dogs 2 PRO.Do you know dogs?NATURE MOBILE - Dogs PRO is a stylish and easy-to-use DOG BREEDREFERENCE GUIDE with an integrated dog breed QUIZ GAME. With DogsPRO you can identify dogs, for example, by their look, purpose,temperament, and origin.Read interesting information and facts about all dog breedsrecognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and learn about manyother fascinating breeds. Browse more than 1300 pictures of dogsand puppies, find the perfect dog for you and your family, or findthe biggest, friendliest, most energetic, or any other dog that youlike! With NATURE MOBILE - Dogs PRO You definitely will!You want to know celebrity dogs? What about “Bo” Obama,“Tinkerbell” Hilton, “Blondie” Hitler, “Butkus” Stallone, or “Koni”Putin, and many others…?What about your favorite dog in popular culture, such as comics,movies, and arts? What about Scooby Doo, Stephen King, PabloPicasso, and many more…IDENTIFY DOGS BY* Appearance- weight, height, ears, coat, etc.* Temperament and Characteristics- energy, playfulness, friendliness, etc.* Purpose- sporting, working, herding, toy, etc.* Country of OriginGUESS THE BREED QUIZ GAME* Guess breeds by picture* Learn to distinguish the different breeds* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, follow uson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visit ourwebsite FEATURES* 190 dog breeds* 1300 quality photos- male, female, puppies* Dogs in popular culture* Celebrity dogsUSER HINTS* Change language in settings* Select favorite breeds* Upload your own pictures* No Internet access requiredPlease note that you need enough storage to run the app. Becauseof the high-resolution images and sounds, about 150MB space on theSD card or the internal storage are necessary. Some tablets andphones do not have an SD card, but still enough available storage.The app should run without any problems on these devices as well.If you experience any problems with the data download, let us know.We either fix it fast, or refund you the price of the app.SUBMIT YOUR DOG'S PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures available to all in the app?Please send pictures to Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture submission is highlyappreciated! High-quality pictures may be considered for futureupdates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way that is easy tounderstand. If you are an author or photographer, or if you havefascinating ideas or content to offer, please contact us will work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts innatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Birds PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Trees PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
Trees PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is available fordownload. Please search for iKnow Trees 2 PRO.How often does it happen that you're out in the wild and youdiscover trees that you would like to identify? Or you find theirleaves, flowers, or fruits that you would like to eat or learn moreabout?NATURE MOBILE introduces - Trees PRO - an ideal guide to themost common North American and European trees on your Smartphoneand Tablet. With the built-in quiz you will also learn quickly todistinguish between different species.Finally, you have the option to identify different tree specieswithout the help of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive libraryfull of facts, figures and images, but all in the palm of yourhand. Learn where you can find certain species, how their leaves,flowers, and fruits look like and taste, and how you cook them.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.It's that easy. Enter a number of features of the desiredspecies, and you will get different proposals. The more featuresyou enter, such as the size, growth habit, leave and fruit type,the shorter the resulting list of eligible species will be.SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- size, leaf, flower, color, growth, etc.* FRUIT TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* HABITAT- North America, Europe, Asia, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different species* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, follow uson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visit ourwebsite HINTS* more than 200 trees species included* Select favorite species* No Internet access required* Change the language in the settings -> Available in Englishand GermanSUBMIT YOUR PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures available to all in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures. Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture submission is highlyappreciated! Pictures of the highest quality may be considered forfuture updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way in an attractive waythat is easy to understand. If you are an author or photographer,or if you have fascinating ideas or content to offer, pleasecontact us at Wewill work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts innatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Birds PRO* Dogs PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
iKnow Birds 2 LITE - USA CA MX
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OF NORTHAMERICA, all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfacts about birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular calls and songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole new way.LITE version includes 75 species only!CONTENT* 997 bird species - 3200 images* 550 calls and songs offline and thousands online* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 4 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from picturesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Exotic Fruits & Vegetables 2
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to EXOTIC FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES, all in the palm of your hand!How often does it happen that you're in a grocery store and thatyou discover fruits and vegetables that you would like to eat? Oryou just would like to learn more about them.NATURE MOBILE introduces - Exotic Fruits and Vegetables 2 PRO -an ideal guide to the most common species of exotic fruits andvegetables. Finally you have the direct option to identifydifferent species without a book. You get a comprehensive libraryfull of facts, figures and images. Find out where you can find thespecies, read how it tastes, or learn how to cook it. Be inspiredand experience nature in a whole new way.CONTENT* 150 species - 1500 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 6 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- color, size, leaf, flower, growth, etc.* TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* NUTRITION FACTS- calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILETopics: vegetables, mushrooms, trees, plants, recipes,vegetarian, vegan, cooking, collecting, hunting, meat, food,recipes, nuts, organic, guide, fish, cooking, grill, flowers
iKnow Birds 2 LITE - Europe 2.0.17
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OF EUROPE, all in the palm ofyour hand! Finally, you have the option to identify species withoutthe help of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfacts about birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular calls and songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole new way. LITE version includes 15 species only! CONTENT* 300 bird species - 2000 images - 550 calls and songs * Extensivedescription of the species * Bird names in 30 languages *Scientific identification * Quiz game BIRD IDENTIFICATION BY *APPEARANCE - Size, feathering, beak type, etc. * RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc. * ORDER - Owls, herons,eagles, etc. * MIGRATION - Sedentary, short, medium, long QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures * Guess species from calls and songsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: ABOUTNATURE MOBILE The mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present excitingtopics from nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor or photographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contact us at CHECK OUT MORE APPSBY NATURE MOBILE
Guinea Pigs and Hamsters 2 PRO 1.0.13
Do you want to know more about ginny pigs andhamsters? Looking for a pig or hamster that best fits in yourfamily?NATURE MOBILE introduces - Guinea Pigs and Hamsters 2 PRO - asimple guide to the most popular ginny pig and hamster breeds.Finally you have the direct option to identify different breedswithout a book. You get a comprehensive library full of facts,figures and images. Find the perfect ginny pig or hamster for youand your family. Or find the biggest or any other breed that youlike!Apps and books help to determine what ginny pig or hamster breedit is, but you are still unconfident?You now have the best chance to correctly determine the rightbreed with the Online Species Consultation. Enthusiasts andbreeders from around the world will help identify what breed ofGuinea pig or hamster it is.You discover a pig or make a great hamster snapshot?!With the sightings function you are organizing your discoverieson the road or at home! For each sighting, you can storecomprehensive information, e.g. photo, time, GPS position andlocation.CONTENT* 22 breeds - 240 images* Breed names in English and German* Online Species Consultation* Capture and share sightings* Quiz gameQUIZ GAME* Guess ginny pigs and hamster breeds from pictures* Learn to distinguish different breedsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
myBirdList LITE 1.0.1
With myBirdList your "Life List" is alwaysup-to-date and you are organizing your "Events" and "Sightings" onthe road or at home.The app provides the names of more than 10.000 species and 18000sub-species from all around the world in several languages. Thespecies can be sorted according to their name, distribution area,your current location, and family.In the LITE version, the number of sightings is limited.For every "Event" and each "Sighting" you can storecomprehensive information. These include, for example, place andtime, number of observed birds, sex, breeding time code, etc.Current Ornitho and eBird standards are mapped. You also get theoption to transfer your data for further processing on a PC. Theimport / export via email or device memory in different eBird andOrnitho friendly formats are supported.FEATURES+ 10000 species and 18000 sub-species listed by name, family,reagion, and location+ Import / Export to PC via email or device memory+ Supports eBird friendly formats+ Supports import from Ornitho in XML formatSUPPORTED LANGUAGES+ App content entirely in English, German, French andSpanish+ Species names in many languages, depending on the type in up to40 languages (no guarantee of completeness)"My Events" are trips, surveys of certain stations and areas orincidental situations in which sightings take place. For each eventyou can insert a title describing a location or situation. On eachevent you can collect information like weather description, numberof observers and geographic details."My Sightings" are the particular observations of each species.A sighting consists of one or more birds of this species. You cancollect information to each sighting about, e.g., time, count,location with GPS coordinates, etc. A sighting can be assigned toan event or exist on its own.In future events (like planned trips or surveys) sightings can beinserted keeping the counter on zero. This way species aredisplayed as "wished"."My Life List" contains all bird species you have seen in yourlifetime. This list is automatically generated from all insertedsightings and provides summary view for periods like the currentmonth and year. Each species entry in this list leads directly tothe respective sightings.Note for Data from events and sightings can beimported into myBirdList from in XML format via email oriTunes and exported from myBirdList in different formats. An exportof your data to (i.e. importing your data is not yet possible.Please note: In order to import your data to eBird on theirwebsites, your data may have to be manually adjusted. The reasonsare different terminologies and possible input mistakes. Whenimporting, you are usually alerted and you can correct mistakeseasily.eBird and Ornitho are not trademarks of NATURE MOBILE.Topics: field, guide, birdwatching, birding, songs, log,audubon, journal
Früchte bestimmen 2 LITE
Früchte und Beeren aus Natur und Garten ganzeinfach bestimmen!Mit "Früchte bestimmen 2 PRO" bekommt man ein idealesBestimmungs- und Nachschlagewerk für Früchte und Beeren dergeläufigsten Arten von Wildpflanzen und Kulturpflanzen. Endlich hatman die Möglichkeit, die Arten direkt auf dem Ausflug auch ohneBuch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen auseiner Bibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten.Erfahre wo Du die Arten findest, schaue wie man sie verwendet,erlebe die Natur auf eine ganz neue Weise und lasse Dichinspirieren.In der LITE Version ist die Anzahl der Arten auf 15limitiert!INHALT* 465 Arten von Wild- und Kulturpflanzen aus aller Welt* 3000 Bilder und sachliche Beschreibung der Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Englisch* Wissenschaftliche Artenbestimmung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM* AUSSEHEN DER FRUCHT- Größe, Farbe, Anzahl Kerne, etc.* FRUCHTTYP BOTANISCH- Apfelfrucht, Beere, Kapsel, etc.* ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, Essbar, Ungenießbar, etc.* AUSSEHEN DER PFLANZE- Wuchsform, Blatt, Zweig, etc.* VORKOMMEN / HERKUNFT- Asien, Europa, Nordamerika, etc.QUIZ - TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Früchte kennenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen ausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILEFruits and berries fromnature and garden easily determine!With "Fruits determine 2 PRO" you get a ideal guide for fruitsand berries of the most common species of wild plants and crops.Finally you have the possibility to determine the types directly onthe excursion without book and at the same time to get acomprehensive library full of facts, figures and images. Learnwhere you can find the style look, how they are used, the natureexperience to a whole new way and let inspire you.In the LITE version, the number of species is limited to 15!CONTENT* 465 species of wild and cultivated plants from around theworld* 3000 photos factual description of the species* Species names in German and English* Scientific species identification* Quiz - MatchDETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE OF FRUIT- Size, color, number of cores, etc.* FRUIT TYPE BOTANICAL- Apple fruit, berry, capsule, etc.* edibility- Toxic, Edible, Inedible, etc.* APPEARANCE OF PLANT- Growth form, leaf, branch, etc.* DEPOSITS / ORIGIN- Asia, Europe, North America, etc.QUIZ - TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn the different fruitsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring to present exciting topics from natureand other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way closer. Youare an author or photographer, they have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Exotic Fruits & Vegetables 2 L
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to EXOTIC FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES, all in the palm of your hand!How often does it happen that you're in a grocery store and thatyou discover fruits and vegetables that you would like to eat? Oryou just would like to learn more about them.NATURE MOBILE introduces - Exotic Fruits and Vegetables 2 PRO -an ideal guide to the most common species of exotic fruits andvegetables. Finally you have the direct option to identifydifferent species without a book. You get a comprehensive libraryfull of facts, figures and images. Find out where you can find thespecies, read how it tastes, or learn how to cook it. Be inspiredand experience nature in a whole new way.LITE version includes 15 species only!CONTENT* 150 species - 1500 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 6 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- color, size, leaf, flower, growth, etc.* TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* NUTRITION FACTS- calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Pilzlexikon 2 LITE
Das Nachschlagewerk für Experten und Mykologen- Dähncke‘s renommiertes Pilzlexikon jetzt exklusiv als App in derüberarbeiteten Ausgabe.INFO: Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene steht der „Pilzführer 2PRO“ sowie „Pilze sammeln & bestimmen PRO“ von NATURE MOBILE imPlay-Store zur Verfügung.Rose Marie Dähncke arbeitete viele Jahre an der SchwarzwälderPilzschau und bildete dort über 500 Pilzberater aus. Das Wissen ausacht Jahrzehnten Pilzarbeit hat sie bisher in zahlreichen Büchernund exklusiv in dieser App veröffentlicht. Gemeinsam mitzahlreichen Experten hat Sie das renommierte Pilzlexikonzusammengestellt.Mit dem Pilzlexikon 2 PRO bekommt man ein umfangreichesBestimmungs- und Nachschlagewerk für Pilze. Endlich hat man dieMöglichkeit, die Arten direkt unterwegs auch ohne Buch zu bestimmenund gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen aus einer Bibliothekvoller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten. Experten profitierenvon der großen Sammlung und Kategorisierung.In der LITE Version ist die Anzahl der Arten auf 15 limitiert!Sie dient dazu die Funktionalität der PRO Version kostenfrei zudemonstrieren.INHALT* 1615 Arten und 190 Unterarten* 3300 Bilder und Beschreibungen* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Artenbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM*** ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, essbar, allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* ABTEILUNG, FAMILIE, ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.** Die Bestimmungsfilter und Merkmalkataloge befinden sich imAufbau und werden stetig erweitert. Bitte unterstützen Sie unsdabei. Eine Garantie auf Vollständigkeit wird nicht gegeben.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnen beider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus ein undbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Baumarten voneinander zuunterscheidenKEINE INTERNETVERBINDUNG ERFORDERLICHBenutzen Sie die App unterwegs beim Sammeln, auch dort wo keinInternet verfügbar ist. Alle Bilder und Beschreibungen zu den Artensind offline verfügbar.NATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen ausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.The reference book forexperts and mycologists - mushroom Dähncke's renowned Lexicon nowexclusively available as an app in the revised edition.INFO: For beginners and advanced the "mushroom guide 2 PRO" andis "mushrooming & determine PRO" by NATURE MOBILE in PlayStore.Rose Marie Dähncke worked for many years at the Black Forestmushroom show and trained there over 500 fungi expert. Theknowledge gained from eight decades fungus work has been publishedin numerous books and exclusively in this app. Together withnumerous experts has compiled the renowned mushroom lexicon. With the fungus lexicon 2 PRO you get a comprehensive referencetool for determining and fungi. Finally, one has the possibility todetermine the species directly on the go even without a book and atthe same time to obtain comprehensive information from a libraryfull of facts, figures and images. Experts benefit from the largecollection and categorization.In the LITE version, the number of species is limited to 15! Itserves free to demonstrate the functionality of the PROversion.CONTENTS* 1615 species and 190 subspecies* 3300 pictures and descriptions* Species Names in German and Latin* Scientific species identification* Online fungal advice* Quiz - Game DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY *** Edibility- Toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* Look like- Hat, lamellae, pores, stem, etc.* OCCURRENCE- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, tart, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* DEPARTMENT, FAMILY, ORDER- Agaricales, Cantharellales, etc.** The determination filter and catalogs feature is underconstruction and will be constantly expanded. Please support us inthis. A guarantee of completeness is not given.ONLINE CONSULTANCY MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and app users from around the world to helpyou with the fungus determination. Submit a photo of your fungalfundus and get you soon first proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different species from each otherNO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIREDUse the app on the go while collecting, even where no internetis available. All images and descriptions of the types areavailable offline.NATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring himself to present exciting topicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive waycloser. You are an author or photographer, you have fascinatingideas or content, then please contact us OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
Horses PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is available fordownload. Please search for iKnow Horses 2 PRO.Do you know horses?Horses PRO by NATURE MOBILE is an elegant and easy-to-use BREEDGUIDE and IDENTIFICATION APP with a built-in QUIZ GAME. Readfascinating information and learn facts about the world's mostpopular 180 horse and pony breeds; browse more than 1500professional pictures of stallions, mares, and foals by worldfamous equestrian photographers; find your favorite horse! ...orfind the largest, friendliest, most agile, or any other horse thatyou like! With Horses PRO by NATURE MOBILE you definitelywill!SEARCH AND IDENTIFY HORSES BY* Appearance- size, body type, hair, color, etc.* Temperament- intelligence, courage, agility, etc.* Usage- dressage, jumping, polo, hunting, etc.* Gait- pace, walk, trot, tölt, etc.* Category- warmblood, coldblood, half-bred, etc.* Country of Origin- Canada, Germany, UK, USA, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess breeds from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different breeds* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:,follow us on Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile( or visit our website* 180 world's most popular breeds incl.- horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, and zebras* 1500 pictures by world famous equestrian- photographers* Facts and infos on all breeds by- German horse expertsSPECIAL FEATURES* Change language in settings* Select favorite breeds* No Internet access requiredSUBMIT YOUR HORSE PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures to be a in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures. Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture is highly appreciated!High-quality pictures may be considered for future updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. If you arean author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at We willwork together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts in thenatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Medicinal Plants PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is availablefordownload. Please search for iKnow Medicinal Plants 2 PRO.Discover nature’s medicine cabinet!? Our ancestors describedthemultiple effects of medicinal plants, and many of theirfindingswere confirmed by modern science.NATURE MOBILE introduces - Medicinal Plants PRO - an idealguideto 150 common species of medicinal plants on your smartphoneandtablet. With the built-in quiz you also quickly learntodistinguish different species from each other.Finally you have the direct option to identify differentspecieswithout a book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Find out about the healing power ofdifferentspecies and their application area. Be inspired andexperiencenature in a whole new way.It's that easy: Enter the features of the desired species,andyou will get different proposals.SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPLICATION AREA- airway, skin, mouth and pharynx, nervous system,metabolism,digestion, etc.* EFFECT- blood cleansing, reducing fever, antipyretic,wound-healing,etc.* SYMPTOMS / ILLNESS- high blood pressure, limb pain, headache, cancer, etc.* CULTIVATION / DISTRIBUTION- blossoming period, location, cultivation, life expectancy* APPEARANCE / AROMA- flower, leaf, growth, trunk type, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different speciesUSER HINTS* Change language in settings* Select favorite species* No Internet access requiredFollow NATURE MOBILE on Twitter,look for us on Facebook or visitour YOUR PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures to be a in the app?Please visit website to submitpictures.High-quality pictures may be considered for futureupdates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. Ifyou arean author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideasorcontent, please contact us at Wewillwork together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts inthenatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr.DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
iKnow Birds 2 PRO - USA CA MX
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OFNORTHAMERICA, all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfactsabout birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular callsand songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole newway.CONTENT* 997 bird species - 3200 images* 550 calls and songs offline and thousands online* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 4 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from picturesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Fish 2 LITE - Field Guide
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to FISH of theCentralEuropean inland waters and the North Sea and Baltic Sea,all in thepalm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify fish species withoutthehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Learn where you can find certain fishspecies,learn if they are edible and how to prepare them. Findinspirationand experience nature in a whole new way.LITE version includes 15 species only!CONTENT* 135 species - 1000 images* Extensive description of the fish species* Species names in 27 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY FISH BY* APPEARANCE- profile, cross-section, fins, etc.* WATERS-TYPE- rivers, sea, watts, etc.* HABITAT- banks, ground, open water, etc.* EDIBILITY- meat, skin, #bones, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
iKnow Mushrooms 2 LITE 2.0.17
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to MUSHROOMS, all in the palm of yourhand! They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millions ofthem are hiding in the protective thicket and many withstand aneager collector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure in manykitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replace theinitial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually? Is itedible, perhaps toxic, even hallucinogenic? Finally, you have theoption to identify species without the help of a heavy book. Youget a comprehensive library full of facts, figures, and images.Learn where to find mushrooms, look up if they are edible. Findinspiration and experience nature in a whole new way. LITE versionincludes 15 species only! CONTENT * 300 species - 2000 images *Extensive description of the species * Species names in 11languages * Scientific identification * Online MushroomConsultation * Quiz game SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY *APPEARANCE AND SCENT - size, color, hat, gills, stem, etc. *EDIBILITY AND TASTE - toxic, edible, allergen, etc. * FRUIT BODYTYPE - belly mushrooms, gilled mushrooms, truffle, etc. * HABITAT -deciduous or coniferous forest floor, etc. * FAMILY - Agaricaceae,Boletaceae, Clathraceae, etc. * MEDICINAL BENEFIT AND POISON -antibiotic, Psilocybin, Muscarin, etc. QUIZ GAME * Guess speciesfrom pictures * Learn to distinguish different species NATUREMOBILE on YouTube: ABOUT NATUREMOBILE The mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor or photographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contact us at CHECK OUT MORE APPSBY NATURE MOBILE
iKnow Dogs 2 PRO
The ultimate dog breed guide, all in thepalmof your hand!Do you want to know more about dogs? Looking for a dog thatbestfits in your family?NATURE MOBILE introduces - iKnow Dogs 2 PRO - an ideal guidetothe most popular dog breeds. Finally you have the direct optiontoidentify different breeds without a book. You get acomprehensivelibrary full of facts, figures and images. Find theperfect dog foryou and your family. Or find the biggest,friendliest, mostenergetic, or any other dog that you like!“Bo” Obama, “Tinkerbell” Hilton, “Blondie” Hitler,“Butkus”Stallone, or “Koni” Putin; Scooby Doo, Pablo Picasso andmanyothers are refrenced, too.CONTENT* 190 breeds (all akc) - 1900 images* Description of each breed* Breed names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY DOGS BY* APPEARANCE- weight, height, ears, coat, etc.* TEMPERAMENT- playfulness, friendliness, etc.* PURPOSE- sporting, herding, toy, etc.* COUNTRY OF ORIGIN- England, Germany, USA, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess breeds from pictures* Learn to distinguish different breedsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILEGroups: sheepdogs, cattle dogs, pinschers,schnauzers,molossoids, swiss mountain dogs, terriers, dachshunds,spitz,primitive types, scenthounds, pointers, setters,retrievers,flushing dogs, water dogs, companion dogs, toydogs,sighthoundsBreeds: german shepherd, labrador retriever, goldenretriever,dachshund, boxer, poodle, rottweiler, great dane, pointergermanshorthaired, miniature schnauzer, beagle, cavalier kingcharlesspaniel, shetland sheepdog, chihuahua, small münsterländer,bernesemountain dog, doberman pinscher, yorkshire terrier,havanese, westhighland white terrier, rhodesian ridgeback,weimaraner, bordercollie, pug, australian shepherd, siberian husky,french bulldog,pointer german wirehaired, boston terrier, spanielenglish cocker,airedale terrier, maltese, pomeranian, newfoundland,shih tzu,spaniel english springer, whippet, hovawart, dalmatian,papillon,vizsla, belgian malinois, cairn terrier, mastiff, saintbernard,giant schnauzer, irish wolfhound, bichon frise, akita,bulldog,parson russell terrier, russell terrier, staffordshirebullterrier, old english sheepdog, alaskan malamute, beardedcollie,bull terrier, chow chow, briard, setter gordon,americanstaffordshire terrier, bloodhound, etc.
Fish 2 PRO - Field Guide 1.0.17
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE - Discover the fascinating world of fish!
Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is availablefordownload. Please search for Wild Berries and Herbs 2 PRO.How often does it happen that you're out in the wild andyoudiscover berries, fruits, herbs, or nuts that you would like toeator learn more about?NATURE MOBILE introduces – Wild Berries and Herbs PRO – anidealguide to the most common species of wild berries, fruits,herbs,and selected nuts on your Smartphone and Tablet. With thebuilt-inquiz you will also learn quickly to distinguish betweendifferentspecies.Finally, you have the option to identify differentspecieswithout the help of a heavy book. With the same informationthatwould be available to you in a book, you get acomprehensivelibrary full of facts, figures, and images, but all inthe palm ofyour hand. Learn about where you can find certainspecies, whetheror not they are edible, and if so, how to cookthem. Findinspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.It's that easy. Enter a number of features of thedesiredspecies, and you will get different proposals. The morefeaturesyou enter, such as the fruit color, flower color, size,growthhabit, or habitat, the shorter the resulting list ofeligiblespecies will be.SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- fruit, flower, leaf, tree, shrub, etc.* EDIBLE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* CATEGORY/TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* TIME- flowering, ripening, harvesting, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE with a QUIZ GAME* Guess breeds from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different species* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:,follow us on Twitter forupdates on NatureMobile:@NatureMobile( or visit ourwebsite HINTS* Save your favorite species* No Internet access required* Change the language in the Settings -> only species namesareavailable in English and GermanSUBMIT YOUR PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures available to all in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures.Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture submission ishighlyappreciated! Pictures of the highest quality may beconsidered forfuture updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way that is easytounderstand. If you are an author or photographer, or if youhavefascinating ideas or content to offer, please contact We will work together to find awin-winsolution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and expertsinnatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr.DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Exotic Fruits & Vegetables PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is available fordownload. Please search for Exotic Fruits & Vegetables 2.How often does it happen that you're in a grocery store or onvacation and that you discover fruits and vegetables that you wouldlike to eat? ... or you just would like to learn more about.NATURE MOBILE introduces – Exotic Fruits and Vegetables - an idealguide to the most common species of exotic fruits and vegetables onyour Smartphone and Tablet. With the built-in quiz you also quicklylearn to distinguish different species from each other.Finally you have the direct option to identify different specieswithout a book. You get a comprehensive library full of facts,figures and images. Find out where you can find the species, readhow it tastes, or learn how to cook it. Be inspired and experiencenature in a whole new way.It's that easy: Enter the features of the desired species, and youwill get different proposals. The more features, such as fruitcolor, size, or habitat you enter, the shorter the resulting listof eligible species will be.SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- color, size, leaf, flower, growth, etc.* TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* NUTRITION FACTS- calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different species* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:,follow us on Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile( or visit our website HINTS* Select favorite species* No Internet access required* Change language in settings -> Available in English andGermanSUBMIT YOUR PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures to be a in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures. Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture is highly appreciated!High-quality pictures may be considered for future updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. If you arean author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at We willwork together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts in thenatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
iKnow Dogs 2 LITE
The ultimate dog breed guide, all in thepalmof your hand!Do you want to know more about dogs? Looking for a dog thatbestfits in your family?NATURE MOBILE introduces - iKnow Dogs 2 PRO - an ideal guidetothe most popular dog breeds. Finally you have the direct optiontoidentify different breeds without a book. You get acomprehensivelibrary full of facts, figures and images. Find theperfect dog foryou and your family. Or find the biggest,friendliest, mostenergetic, or any other dog that you like!“Bo” Obama, “Tinkerbell” Hilton, “Blondie” Hitler,“Butkus”Stallone, or “Koni” Putin; Scooby Doo, Pablo Picasso andmanyothers are refrenced, too.LITE version includes 15 species only!CONTENT* 190 breeds (all akc) - 1900 images* Description of each breed* Breed names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY DOGS BY* APPEARANCE- weight, height, ears, coat, etc.* TEMPERAMENT- playfulness, friendliness, etc.* PURPOSE- sporting, herding, toy, etc.* COUNTRY OF ORIGIN- England, Germany, USA, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess breeds from pictures* Learn to distinguish different breedsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILEGroups: sheepdogs, cattle dogs, pinschers,schnauzers,molossoids, swiss mountain dogs, terriers, dachshunds,spitz,primitive types, scenthounds, pointers, setters,retrievers,flushing dogs, water dogs, companion dogs, toydogs,sighthoundsBreeds: german shepherd, labrador retriever, goldenretriever,dachshund, boxer, poodle, rottweiler, great dane, pointergermanshorthaired, miniature schnauzer, beagle, cavalier kingcharlesspaniel, shetland sheepdog, chihuahua, small münsterländer,bernesemountain dog, doberman pinscher, yorkshire terrier,havanese, westhighland white terrier, rhodesian ridgeback,weimaraner, bordercollie, pug, australian shepherd, siberian husky,french bulldog,pointer german wirehaired, boston terrier, spanielenglish cocker,airedale terrier, maltese, pomeranian, newfoundland,shih tzu,spaniel english springer, whippet, hovawart, dalmatian,papillon,vizsla, belgian malinois, cairn terrier, mastiff, saintbernard,giant schnauzer, irish wolfhound, bichon frise, akita,bulldog,parson russell terrier, russell terrier, staffordshirebullterrier, old english sheepdog, alaskan malamute, beardedcollie,bull terrier, chow chow, briard, setter gordon,americanstaffordshire terrier, bloodhound, etc.
iKnow Horses 2 PRO 1.0.16
The ultimate horse and pony breed guide!
Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 LITE
Du bist in der Natur unterwegs undentdeckstSpuren von Tieren? Du möchtest die Spuren lesen underfahren werdiese hinterlassen hat?Mit "Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 LITE" lernt man Spuren undFährtenzu erkennen und bekommt ein ideales Bestimmungs-undNachschlagewerk für die geläufigsten Säugetiereimmitteleuropäischen Raum und den Alpen. Endlich hat mandieMöglichkeit, die Spuren direkt auf dem Ausflug auch ohne Buchzubestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen auseinerBibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten. LernedieSpuren zu lesen, erfahre alles Wissenswerte über dieTierarten,erlebe die Natur auf eine ganz neue Weise.In der LITE Version ist die Anzahl der Arten auf 15 limitiert!INHALT* 74 Arten - 800 Bilder* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Spuren und Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Englisch* Wissenschaftliche Spuren- und Artenbestimmung* Quiz - SpielSPUREN UND FÄHRTEN LESEN ANHAND VOM* FUSSTYP- Paarhufer, Unpaarhufer, Zehenballen, etc.* FUSSABDRUCK- Zehen-, Zehenspitz-, Sohlengänger, etc.* LOSUNG- Krümelig, pillenförmig, wurstförmig, etc.* NEST UND BAU- Erdbau, Burg aus Zweigen, Baumhöhle, etc.* STIMME- Piepsen, Zwitschern, Trillern, Quieken, etc.* AM BAUMSTAMM DURCH- Geweih, Zähne, Krallen, Körper, etc.BESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM* AUSSEHEN- Größe, Geweih und Hörner, etc.* LEBENSGEBIET- Lebensraum, Verbreitung, Standort Nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Spuren und Tiere kennenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themenausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten PublikumausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschaulicheundattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf,siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie unsbittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.You are in the natureofthe road and discover traces of animals? You want to readthetracks and find out who left this?With "Wild animals and tracks 2 LITE" learn to recognizetracksand tracks and get an ideal destination and reference guidefor themost common mammals in central Europe and the Alps. Finally,onehas the possibility to determine the traces directly ontheexcursion without book and at the same time to obtaincomprehensiveinformation from a library full of facts, figures andimages. Learnto read the tracks, learn all about the animals, thenatureexperience to a whole new way. In the LITE version, the number of species is limited to 15!CONTENTS* 74 species - 800 images* Extensive description of the tracks and types* Species names in German and English* Researchers trace and species identification* Quiz - GamePrints and droppings READ THE BASIS OF* FOOT TYPE- Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, toe pads, etc.* FOOTPRINT- Toe, toes pointed, plantigrade, etc.* SOLUTION- Crumbly, pill-shaped, sausage-shaped, etc.* NEST AND CONSTRUCTION- Earthwork, castle made of branches, tree hole, etc.* VOICE- Beeping, chirping, trills, squeaks, etc.* AM TRUNK BY- Antlers, teeth, claws, body, etc.DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, antlers and horns, etc.* LIVING AREA- Habitat, distribution, location, nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn the different tracks and AnimalsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to present excitingtopicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience ofinterestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractivewaycloser. You are an author or photographer, you havefascinatingideas or content, then please contact OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
Früchte bestimmen 2 PRO 1.0.16
Fruits and berries from nature and garden easily determine!
iKnow Horses 2 LITE 2.0.16
The ultimate horse and pony breed guide!